Annual Christmas Celebration - Awards - Tributes

Annual Christmas Celebration

The Christmas Celebration took place on Sunday the 30st of December 2007 at 18:00 at our cultural centre.
The children of the dancing group of our club entertained us with their unique dances.
All the children received a present from the hands of Santa Claus as well as a book which is given every year.


The successful students that were rewarded for their initiation in the Universities and the Technical Institutes of our country are:

  • Tsamtsouris George of Nikolaou
  • Sfika Niki of Leonida
  • Bereveskou Niki of Konstantinou
  • Bereveskos Panagiotis of Konstantinou

    We really thank them and we wish them every success.


    Far away…but beloved people

    The administrative council of our society added a new chapter on its internet page named ‘Tributes’. The life and the legacy of people who lived and passed by our village and helped the development, the peace and the progress of this place in a big or in a smaller extent, will be presented on it.

    We thought to initiate the ‘TRIBUTES’ presenting the FACE OF A WOMAN. An educated and really active woman for her days. A woman who although she was not mother she snuggled a lot of children. This woman is Miss Sofia Diamadopoulou of Athanasios and Maria.

    Her name is straightforward connected with the known family of doctor Vasileios Diamadopoulos as he was her brother. Furthermore, her name is connected with the Loukopoulos family as her sister was married with Konstantinos Loukopoulos.

    Sofia was born in 1903. She graduated from the Medicine University of Athens in 1933. She studied midwife, seeing it not as a job but as the ministration of the love, the care, the affection for the People and especially for the Woman and the Mother. She did her practice next to the eximious gynecologist Mr Louros. According to the acknowledgements she approximately delivered 2500 babies. She devoted her life on this duty and she was always present when someone needed her help. Many women of our village emphasize to her simpleness and her love to the people. She was always there to help people.

    Sofia is not with us anymore. However, her humanity and her offer, which made her to excel, will be forever in our hearts.

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