The event took place at 1st of October 2007 in the rooms of the
CULTURAL SOCIETY LONGOS "LORD BYRON" and was dedicated to the Elderly people.
In 1990 the General Meeting of UN established the 1st of October as the International Day of Elderly people as a sign of respect to those people. The elderly people are a big group who must be respected by all of us. The elderly people are all those who offered their services in our society for ages. They are older but also wiser. They are well experienced. Those, who live many years and have the happiness to see their children and their grandchildren to grow up and to make progress, are very lucky.
Each citizen, family as well as the state is responsible to show to those people that we owe our existence that we love them, we think of them, we need them and we care about them.
We ought to behave to them in the same way as we want to behave to us when we are in this age. Life’s quality – Creative participation- effective health’s level. The cultural level is also determined by our behaviour to the elderly people.
We have to take care of a happy and respectable living of the elderly people.