Sunday - March 8 , 2020 - International Women's Day 2020 - C A N C E L L E D -

Because of the state of emergency in Achaia due to the corona virus
the event had to be canceled.



The Cultural Society Kongos"Lord Byron" invites the female members and friends of our society to the

International Women's Day 2020

on Sunday, March 8 , 2020, at 6.30 p.m. in the rooms of the Cultural Centre of Longos.

Men are welcome from 9.30 p.m.!


Congratulations to all women of the world!

Since the mid-1970s, the United Nations has celebrated INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY every year on 8 March, which is known as World Day.

This day is also known as "World Women's Day", "Women's Day of Struggle", "International Women's Day of Struggle" or simply short and concise as "Women's Day". It focuses on the role of women in society. Such a day should focus on specific problems and issues of global importance.

By international comparison, the situation looks bad for the women's holiday. Because if it is celebrated worldwide - people only in 27 countries do´nt have to work: Russland, Ukraine, Weissrussland, Moldawien. Georgien, Armenien, Aserbaidschan, Turkmenistan, Kasachstan, Usbekistan, Kirgistan, Tadschikistan, China, Mongoleu, Nordkorea, Nepal, Vietnam, Laos, Kambodscha, Kuba, Guinea-Bissau, Eritrea, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Sambia, Madagaskar und seit 2019 in der Stadt Berlin.


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