The Election Commission announces the results of the elections as
follows:Ballots cast: 65 valid ballot papers: 64 invalid
ballot papers: 1
A. For the Managing Committee
1. Iliopoulou Diamantoula (23 votes)
2. Manolopoulou Despina (36 votes)
3. Mitropoulos Aristotelis (20 votes)
4. Mourikis Ierotheos (32 votes)
5. Pachi Angeliki (12 votes)
6. Sollbach Werner Charilaos (25 votes)
7. Theocharidis Stamatis (40 votes)
8. Tsamtsouri-Prinou Dimitra 423 votes)
Β. For the annual accounts auditors
1. Giannopoulos Dimitrios (39 votes)
2. Moriati Ekaterina (43 votes)
3. Sfikas Leonidas (12 votes)